How to Balance Work and Gaming for a Healthy Lifestyle

How to Balance Work and Gaming for a Healthy Lifestyle

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This is especially the case with contemporary technology that features games as one of the best ways of having fun in today’s world. Whether if you’re passing time playing games on your mobile phone or fighting with other players on your video game console, it’s always a great stress reliever. But one of the problems which are inherent in gaming is that it is possible to get lost in it and fail to notice that it has become an interuption of work and other activities. This means that a person has to learn how to balance on the work and games front so that they can be healthy. So here are some hints that will assist you in achieving that balance and still play your favorite games.

1. Set Specific Gaming Hours

The most efficient way of managing the game time when working is by coming up with a schedule on when you can eliminate time for gaming. Don’t play the games you want whenever you want but try to schedule the particular time of the day or week for gaming. This helps retard any intrusion of gaming into your working hours and you will not be neglecting your official duties. By taking ‘gaming’ as any other way you spend your free time, then it becomes possible to engage in this activity without it hindering your productivity.

For instance, if you go to work from 9 to 5 in the evening, you may plan to spend one hour on the computer game during the night after preparing a meal. It will also allow you to engage in other forms of leisure after a day of work and thus enable you manager your business effectively.

2. Prioritize Work Tasks

In an endeavor to minimize effects of gaming on your productivity and be sure that gaming will not affect your work, you need to prioritize. Replace games with your key tasks at work and do not start playing games until you are done with all work priorities. You will then be more productive in handling your responsibilities since you will be guilt-free when playing the game. Make a to-do list for the day and try to do all of these tasks before you find your leisure time to do other activities that are not productive.

In case of casual easy – going games like the ones at OK Win it is possible to squeeze in a couple of minutes of gaming sessions in the middle of the day after an essential task has been done.
3. Take Breaks During Work

Hence, breaking work and gaming do not require removing games from workstation entirely. In fact, breaks to play games can actually increase the level of productivity. Freeware games can be meaning a lot as games that take a few minutes to play on work breaks. Just one thing that should be taken into consideration is to avoid turning into a gaming addict and spending the working day playing only. Playing video games as 5-10 minute breaks can have a positive impact in the cognitive performance and decrease stress.

4. It is advisable to set the amount of time that children spend on video games so that the activity does not turn detrimental for the health of the children.

One of the main disadvantages of games is that a player can be fully engrossed in a game which makes him or her have no idea as to time that is being spent on a game and as such, end up spending too much time in the game. To prevent this, there should be specific time restraints on gaming. Several gaming platforms that are similar to OK Win include the in-built timers or reminders that tell the user that he or she has played for a specific amount of time. The following are the benefits on establishing such limits Some of the benefits of making such a step is that you cannot afford to play all day and night without considering other vital aspects of life such as working.

5. Stay Physically Active

A Healthy Living means not just a balance between work or games and play time, but regular exercise as well. Long hours spent sitting in front of a screen whether it is in performing work or playing games is not healthy for the body. Exercise, or at the very least movement should not be entirely missed for the whole day. Whether it is for 10 minutes or for a full workout whether during work at the office or during lunch break, exercise is good for the body and mind.

I therefore conclude that to lead a balanced healthy life, there is need to regulate the time spent on working and time spent gaming. Some of the ways that will help you avoid forfeiting and still spend time playing games are to set your gaming schedules, your work, taking short breaks, and getting some exercises. It means that civilization is powerless in front of video games, and such casual platforms like OK Win with its collection of casual games are perfect for those users who have not a single free hour in the day.

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